Monday, November 7, 2022

Moon's disappearing act on Nov. 8

The moon will be performing its disappearing act in the early morning of Nov. 8 and there won't be another like it until 2025. The total lunar eclipse - known as the blood moon - will be visible throughout North America in the predawn hours - 4:16 a.m. to 5:41 a.m. CST. For an extra treat the planet Uranus will be visible a finger -width above the moon, resembling a bright star. At its peak, the moon will be 242,740 miles from Earth, according to NASA. Binoculars and telescopes will enhance viewing, provided the skies are clear. (The AP 11/06/22) 

On a separate note, Nov. 8 is also voting day for the midterm elections. Get out an vote.

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