Sunday, May 2, 2021

Prez to visit Lakes Charles, NOLA

President Joe Biden is tentatively scheduled to come to Lake Charles and New Orleans on May 6 to promote plans to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure - bridges, highways, and port projects. The $2T 'American Jobs Plan' is currently before Congress. The president also seeks to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, all to be funded by taxing big business. The White House hasn’t yet released details of Biden’s trip, but in New Orleans he’s likely to highlight a proposal to remove the aging I-10 overpass above Claiborne Avenue. In March, he pointed to demolishing the Claiborne Expressway to reverse past decisions that tore apart Black neighborhoods. New Orleans region has a long list of projects, including upgrades to the Port of New Orleans. Baton Rouge officials want to add another bridge (tab: $1.2B) over the Mississippi River, but haven’t figured a way to pay for it or where to put it. Louisiana earned a D+ grade for its infrastructure, according to the White House. Lake Charles also has a long list after Hurricanes Laura and Delta in 2020. The port of Lake Charles, McNeese State, Sowela Technical Community College, Chennault International Airport and elementary and high schools suffered $1B in damages, says state Sen. Mark Abraham (R-Lake Charles). Biden’s proposal also includes money for child care and caregiving for older adults and the disabled. Republicans say that shouldn’t be part of an infrastructure plan. (Source: 05/01/21) President Biden to visit New Orleans, Lake Charles on Thursday; will promote infrastructure plan | Environment |

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