Saturday, May 29, 2021

Oysters: Surviving diversion dump

More rain, flooding - and plans to divert freshwater from the Mississippi River to the Barataria Basin - may mean bad news for oysters, seafood communities, and diners of the delectable bivalve mollusks. But an LSU study indicates some oysters may do better than others in lower salinity. Productive oyster grounds will be exposed to a lot of fresh water when the river’s Barataria diversion is released, according to study lead Joanna Griffiths, an LSU marine biologist. The study is designed to find out if oysters can tolerate the amount of freshwater input and how to increase their tolerance. The study's findings suggest oyster hatcheries could breed bivalves with a greater chance of surviving those conditions. (Source: 05/27/21) More freshwater bad for Barataria oysters, but LSU study identifies a workaround | Environment |

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