Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Biden: ‘America First’ must go

WASHINGTON - President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. makes no bones about the speed with which he plans to dispatch with the Trump Administration’s “America First” slogan as a guiding principle for foreign policy. He plans to re-join the Iran nuclear deal. He wants another five years on the nuclear arms treaty with Russia; and wants provide U.S. commitments to NATO. At the same time, Biden says he will make Russia “pay a price” for attempts to influence American elections, including this year’s vote. Biden told the NY Times he – most of all - wants to bring an end to “American First” slogan. For four years, Trump has poked his “finger in the eye of democratic allies, and that’s another reason respect for American leadership is in free fall,” he said. However, it’s easier to promise an internationalist approach than it is to execute one. The world is not the same since Biden was at the White House. Democracies have retreated. China has bulked up. The race for a vaccine has created new rivalries. (Source: NY Times 11/18/20) 

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