Thursday, October 22, 2020

VA to outsource all C&P exams

WASHINGTON - The Department of Veterans Affairs is going to eliminate its in-house compensation and pension exam program and outsource all of the exams that determine whether veterans are eligible for VA benefits. In a letter to VA Secretary Robert Wilkie, Rep. Elaine Luria (D-Va.) and who leads the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs, part of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs., said the plan was developed without congressional notice. She's concerned plan may slow down work to reduce a backlog of compensation and pension (C&P) exams. She's also worried about the VA's ability to oversee contractors. In Luria’s subcommittee last year, the VA said it would contract with more outside medical providers to perform C&P exams. Lawmakers were led to believe the contracted examiners merely supplemented the existing program, primarily to help rural veterans and those veterans facing long wait times, Luria said. But more recently, the VA staff told Luria's office about the department's plan to shutter C&P at the VA and contract with the private sector for 100 percent of the exams. (Source: 10/21/20) 

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