Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Navy RFI for LAW prelim design

On Oct. 16, the Navy issued a solicitation for a Request For Information (RFI) on a preliminary design (PD) for the Light Amphibious Warship (LAW) for "conducting market research to identify industry feedback” on specification documents. The Navy RFI is for “soliciting Preliminary Design (PD)/Contract Design (CD) for the ship class." The government intends to award multiple contracts for LAW PD/CD. Navy documents specify LAW will be a new ship designed to “support the employment of the Marine Littoral Regiment (MLR) by providing direct conveyance to beaches in order to on-load and off-load expeditionary forces, equipment and supplies.” A May RFI Q&A industry answers document revealed the Navy expects to buy 28-to-30 LAWs to cost “several digit millions” each. The Navy expects a six to eight-to-month detail design period, a 24-month production duration, down-selecting to a single winner, and using only one variant and a single yard. Specs: Full beaching and deployment operation in less than 90 minutes; cargo deck capable of carrying 648 tons; minimum deck area of 8,000 square feet capable of carrying at least 90,000 gallons of JP-5 fuel without deck storage; minimum transit speed of 14 knots; operating at least 11-day missions without replenishment for 40 crew and 50 embarked personnel. The Navy is interested in industry responses to areas where Navy standards or material will drive cost while and commercial options can save costs. (Source: Defense Daily 10/19/20) https://www.defensedaily.com/navy-issues-rfi-light-amphibious-warship-preliminary-design/navy-usmc/

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