Friday, April 21, 2023

La. Guv: Embrace energy transition

BATON ROUGE - Companies and states that don’t embrace the global energy transition could get left behind, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards told transportation fleet management executives here at an energy conference. "If we want to be an energy state ... 40 years from now, then we better do the things that we’re talking about,” Edwards said at the Clean Fuels Summit, a 2-day conference hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels and the Southeast Louisiana Clean Fuel Partnership. “Otherwise, investment is not going to come here.”  Edwards has championed energy transition initiatives as a way to lower Louisiana’s carbon footprint and to save its coastline. “There’s an awful lot of capital being deployed to these technologies and to these efforts,” Edwards said. “(T)he transition is going to happen whether you embrace it or not. but by embracing it, then you facilitate the flow of that capital, that investment, to Louisiana.”  ( 04/21/23) Embrace the energy transition, John Bel Edwards tells summit | Business News |

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