Wednesday, August 23, 2023

DSU provost suddenly steps down

The provost of Delta State University unexpectedly stepped down Aug. 21, according to an internal e-mail obtained by Mississippi Today. 

Andy Novobilski, who came to DSU in 2021, will move into a faculty position as a tenured professor of computer information systems in the spring, wrote the new president, Daniel Ennis, in an e-mail to faculty and staff. 

Novobilski will also stay on as a special assistant to the president for the remainder of the school year. 

Ennis emphasized in the e-mail that Novobilski’s transition was due to “family reasons” and "not an indictment of anyone, nor a reaction to any particular set of circumstances.” 

Reached for comment, Novobilski said he wasn’t ready to share more information, but did say: "I do have some really important and really cool family things going on right now.”

Last year's budget resulted in shortfall of more than $1.5M due to numerous issues, per a faculty senate report. But some good news: Enrollment, including dual enrollment, was up about 5%.

Novobilski’s transition will mean the university is now searching for an interim provost and a permanent replacement, which Ennis wrote he hopes to have in place by June 2024. (Mississippi Today 08/22/23) Delta State provost stepping down - Mississippi Today

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