Thursday, February 9, 2023

$662M in port infrastructure grants

The Maritime Administration (Marad) announced more than $662M in FY 2023 funding is available from Marad’s Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP)The investment will modernize U.S. ports and freight infrastructure with supply chains, shipping time and costs, Marad said. PIDP discretionary grants help eligible applicants: Port authorities, state, county and local governments, indigenous Tribal Nations to complete port-related infrastructure projects. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis. In weeks, the Federal Highway Administration will open FY 2022-23 grant applications for the Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities program. Marad will host a series of webinars that describe PIDP requirements and the PIDP application process.  The deadline for applications is April 28, 2023. (Work Boat 02/08/23) $660 million available for port development | WorkBoat

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