Tuesday, December 8, 2020

5 outstanding MSU-M grads

MERIDIAN, Miss. - Five graduates at Mississippi State University-Meridian are being recognized as outstanding students for fall 2020. They are among 95 students who are receiving diplomas, including 10 honor graduates, one Riley Scholar and two Stephen D. Lee Scholars. MSU-Meridian’s five outstanding graduate-honorees for fall 2020 include: * Matthew David Jackson of Newton, Outstanding Undergraduate Student for the Division of Arts and Sciences. He is being recognized as a Stephen D. Lee Scholar for earning a 4.0 GPA throughout college. A Master Sergeant with the 238th Air Support Operations Squadron at Key Field near Meridian, the 37-year-old father of five has served in the military 18 years and is a recipient of the Bronze Star. * Jason Frulla of Union, Outstanding Undergraduate Student for the Division of Business; * Steven Brown of Meridian, Outstanding Graduate Student for the Division of Business. Brown is VP of finance and CFO for Anderson Regional Health Systems; * Mariah Usry of Decatur, Outstanding Undergraduate Student for the Division of Education. * Rudy Leffler of Hattiesburg, Outstanding Graduate Student for the Division of Education. Leffler spent 14 years serving in the Army National Guard, and 24 years in manufacturing before starting college in his 50’s earning a fine arts degree. At age 61, he enrolled at MSU-Meridian to pursue his teacher’s license through the alternate route program and is in his third year of his new career at Stone Middle School in Wiggins. (Source: MSU-Meridian 12/07/20) www.msstate.edu.

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