Tuesday, February 25, 2020

ESD-NOLA ups certification

CHARLESTON, S.C. - The Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Atlantic Enterprise Service Desk (ESD) in New Orleans, La., recently renewed its Help Desk Institute (HDI) certification, which streamlines processes and procedures and enables the ESD to be more efficient. ESD provides service and support 24/7 year-round to more than one million war-fighters stationed across the world. As the Navy’s largest help desk, it serves as a “one stop shop” for finding resolutions and minimize the impact to fleet and Department of Defense (DoD) personnel. ESD supports a wide array of Navy, Marine Corps, and other DoD customers, including Global Combat Support System-Marines, Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System and Navy Reserve Order Writing System. Due to the impact of ESD on naval operations, NIWC Atlantic recognized the importance of completing the demanding HDI certification process to ensure the highest level of customer service. HDI is the industry leader in technical support and the service management industry, and preparing for the certification is arduous. (Source: Naval Information Warfare Center 02/25/10) https://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=112153

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