Monday, February 24, 2020

AF okays new mil.families’ criteria

WASHINGTON - The Air Force approved criteria Feb. 24 to assess states’ policies for accepting professional, career licenses and a community’s public education system support of military children as part of its strategic basing process. The additional criteria aim to ensure locations under consideration have sufficient support for the needs of military families who often relocate. "The communities where service members live and work impact readiness, retention and the satisfaction of families,” said Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett. “Future basing decisions made with a consistent framework will ensure optimal conditions for service members and their families." Military members report that local public education aspects and support for children and spouses influence their decisions to remain on active duty. The Air Force collaborated with policy professionals and subject matter experts to develop two types of analytic frameworks: The public education framework that will be used to evaluate school districts’ educational aspects and ability to support transferring military children in pre-K through 12th grade at AF bases; and the licensure portability framework to be used to assess state laws, governors’ executive orders, state Supreme Court or bar association rules and the ability for an area to accommodate licenses earned from other locations. (Source: Secretary of the Air Force 02/24/20) Also, see AF Magazine story

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