Saturday, February 22, 2020

AF basing decisions for NW Fla.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett signed two basing decisions Feb. 13 with direct impact on Duke and Hurlburt fields in Florida. The first basing decision designates Duke Field as the preferred location to grow the 6th Special Operation Squadron’s (6th SOS) Aviation Foreign Internal Defense mission. The second designates Hurlburt Field as the preferred location for the addition of three to five A-29 aircraft light attack aircraft. The Duke decision would add five Light ISRs (Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance) aircraft, with 123 personnel to support five more Combat Aviation Advisor (CAA) engagement sets. The five new ISR aircrafts will allow the unit to better to assess, train, advise and assist foreign aviation forces in airpower employment, sustainment and force integration. The proposed augmentation at Hurlburt Field would add three to five A-29 aircraft supporting both the 6th Special Operation Squadron’s (6th SOS) Aviation Foreign Internal Defense mission, and the 711th Special Operations Squadron (711th SOS). (Source: Rep. Matt Gaetz 02/13/20) Hurlburt Field is the HQ of the Air Force Special Operations Command. The A-29 Super Tucano is a durable and versatile turboprop made in the U.S. by Sierra Nevada Corp, and its partner, Embraer Defense & Security. It is the only LAS aircraft in the world with a U.S. Military Type Certificate. The A-29 is consistent with current USAF platforms highlighted by lower operational & sustainment costs allowing increased pilot flight time and improved proficiency.

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