Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Female pilots test modified ATAGS

Five female fighter pilots tested a modified version of the Advanced Technology Anti-Gravity Suit (ATAGS) here between Oct. 26-30. ATAGS is a proven design and a critical life support item that protects aircrew members from the effects of high-G forces during maneuvers in fighter aircraft. The ATAGS design, in use since 2001, was developed primarily for standard men’s body types. Shorter pilots or those with hard-to-fit body types often struggle to properly adjust the G-suit. The Secretary of the Air Force tasked experts at Air Force Life Cycle Management Center and AFWERX to address shortfalls in female specific aircrew equipment and gear, including ATAGS. Instead of creating a new product altogether, it was determined that modifications could be made to the current ATAGS design: Wider lacing panels in the waist, thigh and calf, which allows the suit to be easily adjusted for different body proportions, and the option for a tailored, custom waist that does not reduce performance of the waist bladder that inflates during high-G maneuvers. Eglin AFB’s 85th Test and Evaluation Squadron executed about 20 sorties in F-16D aircraft. During the sorties, pilots conducted low- and high-G basic fighter maneuvers to allow for accurate evaluation. The five pilots tested the modified ATAGS, and evaluated it based on comfort and performance. They noticed significant improvements in comfort and functionality. Following flight testing, the 46th TS will provide a test report. Under an acquisition strategy, the modified ATAGS could be available to fighter pilots and aircrew who need it within 12-24 months. (Source: 53rd Wing 11/03/20)

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