Sunday, May 21, 2023

MSU for non-traditional students

STARKVILLE, Miss. - The Center for Distance Education and Center for Continuing Education at Mississippi State University are merging to form the College of Professional and Continuing Studies (CPCS). 

The two centers are combining to enhance program offerings and services, which will sharpen MSU’s focus on non-traditional, adult learners. 

“With a college focused on the educational needs of working adults and workforce readiness, we can be agile and innovative in the design of specific applied credit and non-credit programs in the highest demand,” said CPCS’s Dean Susan Seal.

This academic division connects with "several pillars" of the Transforming MSU strategic plan that includes "serving the whole student, elevating community and igniting innovation." 

With the focus on the educational needs of working adults and workforce readiness, MSU will be "agile and innovative" in the design of specific applied credit and non-credit programs that are in high demand, according to Seal. 

Adult learners in the U.S. are 13 times the number of traditional students, and with the expanded digitization, competition from universities and student financial barriers were among some of the "accelerators in higher education driving the benefits of the CPCS’s creation," Seal said. 

Plans are to position MSU’s recently instituted Bachelor of Applied Science degrees in public management and business office technology into the CPCS, offer non-credit continuing education courses and creating pathways for a micro-credentialing program that provide enhanced student services. (MSU 05/18/23)

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