Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Stars aligning over MS movie set

CANTON, Miss. - The stars are aligning, and cameras rolling, this week on another movie set in Canton. Morgan Freeman, Cole Hauser and Jaimie Alexander - all with ties to the Magnolia State - will begin work on the comedic noir thriller "The Minute You Wake Up Dead" this week. Freeman, who lives in Clarksdale, will play the role of sheriff in a small town. "(E)veryone in my family’s from Mississippi,” said movie producer Andrew Stevens. "(I)t was just a natural fit, particularly because of the Mississippi state subsidies.” Stevens is a Golden Globe-nominated actor and son of actress Stella Stevens, who is from Yazoo City. Casting director, and Canton native, Matthew Morgan got his start in the industry as a production assistant and extra alongside Octavia Spencer in the movie “A Time To Kill.” He is still looking for extras for this film. The film is packed with Mississippi star power on the screen and behind the scenes. The film will wrap up March 3. If you are interested in being cast in one of Matthew Morgan’s films go to (4) Morgan Casting | Facebook. (Source: WLBT 02/07/22)

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