Friday, January 28, 2022

Judge tosses O&G lease sales

WASHINGTON - A federal court in the District of Columbia rejected a plan to lease millions of acres in the Gulf of Mexico for offshore oil drilling, saying the Biden administration did not adequately take into account the lease sale's effect of greenhouse gas emissions and violation of environmental law. U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras ordered the proposed lease sale back to the Interior Department (ID) for a different decision, after a revised review to scrap it or do something else. Environmentalists hailed the decision and hoped the President would follow through on his promise to stop offshore leasing in federal waters. Energy companies offered a combined $192M for those drilling rights on federal O&G reserves in November. ID’s auction came after attorneys general from several states, led by Louisiana, successfully challenged a suspension on sales that Biden imposed. (Source: The AP 01/27/22) Federal judge throws out Gulf of Mexico oil lease sale, says it violates environmental law | Courts |

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