Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Halter to double, open DT office

PASCAGOULA, Miss. - VT Halter Marine will double the size of its workforce by 850 shipyard and professional support positions in and outside the yard over the next two years, according to company PR direction Mark Scott. Some of those employees will move to an office on Delmas Avenue in downtown (DT) Pascagoula. In a few months, there will be 60 more workers shopping, eating and possibly living downtown. “Having Halter Marine come to our downtown area is, I think, a very crucial part of (the city's) continued development,” Pascagoula City Manager Michael Silverman told WLOX. The city has three mixed-use projects currently under construction near the new Halter location. The area is called the Flagship District, and VTHM is part of the long-term plan for growth. (Source: WLOX 01/24/22) Halter Marine to double workforce, adding to growth in other areas of Pascagoula (wlox.com)

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