Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Miss.-based mil.leaders' ICC

GULFPORT, Miss. - The Installation Commanders Council, a group based on a partnership of military installations in Mississippi, is working to improve the quality of life for service members. The ICC is made up of federal and state leaders of the bases. Over the past two years, meetings have helped Mississippi National Guard, reserve and active-duty commanders develop stronger working relationships. In November, the Gulfport Combat Readiness Training Center served as the first Mississippi National Guard base to host an ICC meeting. Other locations include Keesler AFB in Biloxi, the Army Corps of Engineers in Vicksburg, and Columbus AFB. The ICC is credited for creating connections that led to AF trainees from Keesler AFB conducting part of their Basic Training at Camp Shelby, Miss., and for the Navy sending hundreds of sailors to quarantine at the Gulfport CRTC. The CRTC has also sparked opportunities for the services to train jointly prior to working together on deployment. Mississippi isn’t the only state to have an organization like the ICC, but the Defense Department’s State Liaison Office (SLO) says the Magnolia State stands out. “The difference with (Mississippi’s) ICC is that they present a list which has a unified voice from all the installation commanders,” said Eric Sherman, southeast regional liaison at SLO. “They take into concern our military quality of life issues as part of a list of mission requirements and not just nice-to-have issues.” Commanders share ideas and seek information from military-related organizations. (Source: Gulfport Combat Readiness Training Center 02/09/21)

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