Wednesday, February 10, 2021

First 2021 GCAC Newsletter

The first issue of 2021 of the Gulf Coast Aerospace Newsletter was published Feb. 9. The cover story is about the recently released Industrial Capabilities Report from the Defense Department. It’s the annual assessment of the health of the nation’s defense industries. The report covers industries including aircraft, spacecraft, missiles and munitions, shipbuilding, electronics, cybersecurity, and more. Many if not most are of interest to the Gulf Coast I-10 region. In addition to summarizing the findings, we also give you an overview of what the report says about two of the industry's most-closely linked to aerospace: Aircraft and space. We also have a story about the large number of military retirees in the 18 counties and parishes spanning the region between New Orleans and Panama City. These retirees bring millions in retirement money to the region every month, which is a boon to local economies. But the retirees – who retire at a younger age than their civilian counterparts – also provide a ready pool of highly skilled workers, many of them going on the pursue careers outside the military. We also fill you in on the recently completed Green Run of NASA’s Space Launch System at Stennis, Miss. That’s the test where all four of the RS-25 engines are fired at the same time. But the January test only lasted just over a minute instead of the planned eight minutes. So, we’ll fill you in on the second test planned for late February. We also have a story about the new series of tests for single RS-25 engines that just got underway. Finally, we launched a Facebook page in December where readers can see the entire newsletter or individual stories – and comment. (Source: Gulf Coast Aerospace Corridor 02/09/21) Gulf Coast Aerospace Corridor Perspectives ( The Mississippi Golden Triangle blog is affiliated with GCAC.

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