Friday, August 14, 2020

Post-election 'unserious' debate

Defense Department chief spokesperson Jonathan Hoffman dismissed talk of potential military involvement in any post-election dispute, calling that debate "unserious thought." … “We have a Constitution, and our Constitution, which all members of the military have sworn an oath to, provides no role for the U.S. military as arbiter of political or election disputes,” he told reporters when asked a related question.  “This issue appears to be borne of unserious thought reflecting a fundamental lack of appreciation for the history of our democracy and the civilian-military relationship established under our Constitution,” he added. The media questions were sparked by two retired Army officers – John Nagl and Paul Yingling - who wrote to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of saying that if President Trump refused to leave office in January, if he loses the election, that the CJCS “must remove him by force”.  Trump did raise the prospect that he wouldn’t accept a defeat, but in June said he’d peacefully leave the White House. Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden said in June that he’s "absolutely convinced" the military would step in if Trump rejected the results. (Source: The Hill 08/13/20)

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