Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Down to 5 MS flag designs

 JACKSON - And then there were five ... designs remaining under consideration by a committee that will propose a new Mississippi state flag for consideration by voters in November. The 9-member commission met Aug. 18 to whittle down the previous list of nine. Of the remaining designs, magnolia motifs feature prominently. Three designs feature magnolia blossoms, while a fourth features a stylized magnolia tree with three blossoms atop it. One flag using a blossom motif also partially incorporates an outline of the state’s western border, including part of the Mississippi River. (Source: Daily Journal 08/18/20) https://www.djournal.com/news/state-news/new-flag-choices-narrow-to-five/article_0772411d-9185-572c-864c-8196651ae203.html

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