Sunday, March 15, 2020

No 'Real ID', no air travel

Airline passengers must have a “Real ID” special designation on their driver's licenses by Oct. 1 in order to go through security checkpoints and board planes. On March 13, Golden Triangle Regional Airport Director Mike Hainsey and Kim Jackson, security director for Mississippi Transportation Safety Authority, held a press conference about the new policy. If passengers don't have a Real ID designation on their licenses, they must have some other approved form of identification -- primarily a passport or military ID. Beginning Oct. 1, TSA estimates a million people per day will come through its checkpoints without a compliant ID, according to Jackson. "At that point, it's pretty simple: No compliant ID, no air travel." As of last week, an estimated “37 percent of people have a compliant ID," Hainsey said. Real IDs are issued by driver's license bureaus in each state. (Source: Columbus Dispatch 03/14/20)

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