Thursday, March 19, 2020

NCIS warns of scams over virus

The Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) is warning sailors to be aware of online scams about coronavirus. Criminals are using coronavirus fears to conduct new forms of phishing, financial scams and disinformation over social media in order to collect sensitive information, steal money, and deliver malware to victims, according to an NCIS media release. Since January, several “spear phishing” campaigns have been falsely representing healthcare organizations, like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, NCIS says. The agency urges personnel to stay vigilant and use complex and different passwords for different services and to only visit trustworthy sites for news on the pandemic. Use two-factor authentication when possible and change passwords regularly. Scammers can alter web addresses to make them resemble a legit site, so double check the URLs. NCIS further advises that sailors not enter sensitive data and password information into websites that don’t typically request it. (Source: Navy Times 03/18/20)

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