Tuesday, March 17, 2020

22 states' NG virus-activated

A total of 1,560 National Guard members in 22 states have been activated, starting March 16, in support of their states’ responses to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) missions, according to the National Guard Bureau. The New York National Guard and Air National Guard have the largest numbers of personnel activated. The Colorado NG has the second-highest number of troops activated. Florida National Guard (FLNG) soldiers and airmen are helping set up and conduct drive-through coronavirus testing in South Florida where 39 of the state’s 160 known cases of the virus is concentrated. The testing facility in Broward County will allow those who meet the Center for Disease Control’s criteria to provide a specimen for testing without getting of their vehicle. Guard members will take swabs and ship them to a lab, which will send results to the Florida Department of Health. The test “will allow citizens to see if they have this virus so we can quarantine them,” said Col. Roy Bassett, FLNG state surgeon. At the national level, Guard members are training responders and “identifying/preparing NG facilities for use as isolation housing,” according to an NGB fact sheet that was shared with Air Force Magazine. (Source: AF Magazine 03/17/20)

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