Saturday, March 28, 2020

College students w/ nowhere to go

Arpana Upadhyay was left alone at home in Nepal when a 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook the country in April 2015, interrupting her last semester in high school. Her parents had gone to India for her sister's college graduation. Aftershocks lasted two weeks. Upadhyay camped in her backyard, not knowing when the ground would stop rumbling. In 2020, her memory has resurfaced in Mississippi. She’s a senior biology student at Mississippi University for Women (MUW) and again alone and far from family amid another crisis (COVID-19). College students have been urged to go back to their permanent residence. Upadhyay, who lives on campus, has no way to return home. There are other low-income or international college students in East Mississippi that have been presented with a similar challenge – 500 at Mississippi State and 72 at MUW. Those students are staying on or near campus after schools have halted operations. For Upadhyay, Nepal isn’t an option. The entire country is on lockdown. "I have nowhere to go here," Upadhyay said. (Source: Columbus Dispatch 03/27/20)

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