Monday, January 15, 2024

Wintry state of emergency in MS

JACKSON, Miss. - As extreme and dangerous winter weather approaches Mississippi, Gov. Tate Reeves has issued a State of Emergency. (WAPT 01/15/24) Gov. Tate Reeves declares State of Emergency ahead of extreme cold ( 

* Ice began forming on roads and bridges in several north Mississippi counties Sunday evening, according to the Mississippi Department of Transportation. MDOT crews spent the weekend preparing the state's highways and interstates for sub-freezing temperatures. 

* Safe driving tips for cold weather conditions include driving at a reasonable speed, braking slower when coming to a stop, allowing enough space between you and other vehicles to avoid collisions, and avoiding distractions. (WAPT 01/15/24) MDOT: Ice accumulating on roads and bridges as temperatures drop (

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