Saturday, June 17, 2023

ULL to lead solar apprenticeship

The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) is funding a $1M grant to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL) for a solar energy workforce project. 

The new program is designed to help create job opportunities across the state and pave the way for a more energy-efficient state, says Terrence Chambers of ULL's Department of Mechanical Engineering. 

"For those who are not going to follow the higher education route, we have an apprentice training route where people will be able to get pre-apprentice training to get them to enter an internship, then they'll enter an internship where they'll earn as they learn," Chambers told KATC. 

ULL is expected to lead the Louisiana Solar Corps, an apprenticeship program and assist other higher learning institutions

Chambers said the project is still in the negotiation process with DoE but is expected to train prospective employees on "solar plus battery microgrids," which can be used to generate power during outages.

 The program is expected to start at ULL in the fall. (KATC 06/16/23) U L is Leading New Solar Energy Workforce Project (

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