Thursday, January 26, 2023

Biz focus: 'Speed, risk, money'

GULFPORT, Miss. - Bill Cork with the Mississippi Development Authority spoke about the three factors companies look for as far as economic development across the Magnolia State. “Speed, risk and money" are what corporations focus on, he told the Gulf Coast Business County on Jan. 25. Speed: How quickly they can go from spending to making money. The faster MDA can get them here ... "the faster we can all benefit. " Mississippi has 32 sites, including about eight along the coast that are prime for development. Cork wants to see more high-tech companies, but manufacturing and building things is what makes Mississippi's economic hum. “We make things in Mississippi," he said. Cork also says the state needs more industrial-ready sites and workers to fill those jobs. (WLOX 01/25/23)

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