Monday, August 23, 2021

La. chem plants reduce emissions

The EPA has had five Louisiana chemical plants – across the southern sector - under its microscopes for the release of ethylene oxide, which is a cancer risk. But the federal regulators are telling local communities - between Baton Rouge and New Orleans and near Lake Charles – those plants are producing significantly less of the chemical than estimated in previous years, reducing health risks. In recent years, those plants have improved equipment and processes to reduce emissions or developed calculations showing emissions aren't as bad as feared, the regulators say. Two of the five - Taminco Inc. and BCP Ingredients in St. Gabriel - meet EPA's safety standard. The other three, Evonik Corp. in Reserve, Union Carbide near Hahnville and Sasol Chemicals in Westlake, have cancer risk levels two to six times greater than that minimum safe level, even after the emissions reductions, the EPA says. (Source: The Advocate 08/22/21) Five Louisiana plants producing less cancer-causing chemical than previously feared, EPA says | News |

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