Thursday, March 26, 2020

PC developing low-cost ventilators

PANAMA CITY, Fla. - In response to COVID-19, engineers and scientists at Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City (NSWCPC), Fla., are developing low-cost easily-assembled, non-FDA approved, ventilators that can be rapidly prototyped and used in both hospital and field settings. If approved, these prototypes could be used to support critical care requirements around the world. During a period of only two-weeks, DoD’s Hack-a-Vent Innovation Challenge sought to ignite brilliant minds and expertise to respond to the threats overwhelming the medical system. Teams were charged with creating innovative prototypes using exclusively commercial-off-the-shelf items and/or 3D printed parts. The NSWCPC teams are comprised of mechanical, electrical, and systems engineers, life support and Naval Experimental Diving Unit experts, including medical personnel. The prototypes were developed and tested in partnership with NSWCPC’s Center for Innovation. Holly Gardner, innovation lead, said this challenge identifies an emergent need that can be rapidly delivered across the globe through innovation. (Source: NSWCPC 03/16/20)

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