Monday, March 16, 2020

New Navy Reserve rules (re: virus)

NORFOLK, Va. - Effective immediately, the U.S. Navy Reserve is implementing new rules and requirements for Reservists in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Commander, Navy Reserve Force (CNRF), released ALNAVRESFOR 008/20 March 15, which provides a wide-range of guidance for addressing recent travel restrictions and temporary policies meant to protect Reservists and their families from the coronavirus. The message provides detailed information for topics such as drills, Restriction of Movement (ROM) requirements, and non-mission essential travel. Selected Reservists (SELRES) are strongly encouraged to read the official message in its entirety. At a minimum, here is what you need to know: All regular drill weekends are postponed through May 11. (Source: Commander, Navy Reserve Force 03/16/20)

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