Sunday, November 28, 2021

Wind power; river diversion studies

In a multi-part series, The Times-Picayune & The New Orleans Advocate take an in-depth look at the economic and energy-producing potential of offshore wind in the Gulf of Mexico. 

In a separate story via, should Louisiana's $2B Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion project be built, at full capacity it could move 40,000 tons of clay, silt and sand daily from the Mississippi River into the wetlands off Plaquemines Parish's west bank. That's three times the weight of the Eiffel Tower. All that new sediment could compress mud and earth beneath it, causing land that Louisiana's trying to save, to sink. But two academic studies suggest the river diversion will likely outpace the rapid subsidence rate and build land faster than it sinks. (Source: 11/28/21) Louisiana Environment | |

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