Sunday, November 26, 2023

NOLA green projects gathering dust

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell has traveled the globe boasting of the city's embrace of green infrastructure, a catch-all term that includes lagoons, parks and other natural areas designed to hold and absorb water from increasingly strong storms. 

The core of the mayor’s plan for “living with water” is a series of federally funded projects known as the Gentilly Resilience District. But seven years after winning the $141M grant to get the projects built, the administration has little to boast about.

None of the marquee projects, which include rebuilding the Elysian Fields neutral grounds and turning a fallow 25-acre plot on Mirabeau Avenue, have gone out to bid. 

Completed designs are gathering dust. Construction timelines have been pushed back and community engagement meetings are fading from memory. ( 11/26/23) New Orleans projects to corral storm water face long delays | Local Politics |

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