Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Vaccine refusal may hit 14K ANG

The Army National Guard could discharge up to 14,000 troops over the next two years for refusing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, service leaders told Stars and Stripes on Sept. 20. Those numbers include individuals who have applied for medical or religious waivers to the vaccine, which is required by the Pentagon even after President Biden declared the pandemic “over,” Anson Smith, deputy chief of the Army National Guard Strength Maintenance Division, told Stars and Stripes. Nearly 10,000 National Guard troops have declined to receive the vaccine, according to DoD and are in limbo until the Army gives permission for the Guard to issue discharges. Smith estimated the Guard could separate as many as 9,000 troops in FY 2023, which begins Oct. 1 and an additional 5,000 the inn FY-24Only seven ANG members have obtained permanent medical vaccine waivers, according to DoD. The Guard has rejected 42 applications for religious waivers and has not granted a single one. (Daily Caller 09/21/22) National Guard Prepares To Lose 14,000 Troops Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate (

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