Saturday, April 2, 2022

New O&G pipeline rules

The U.S. Transportation Department has adopted a rule aimed at reducing deaths and environmental damage from oil and gas pipeline ruptures. But safety advocates said the move would not have averted accidents that prompted the new rule. That's because it applies only to newly constructed or replaced pipelines - not hundreds of thousands of miles of lines that already crisscross America. Also missing from the new rule are standards for equipment that can detect when and where leaks hit, a recurring problem in pipeline accidents, Caram said. Instead, the rule says pipeline companies must quickly take steps to confirm a spill if they get an alarm or other notification, but the confirm a spill if they get an alarm or other notification, but the confirmation process itself remains up to the company. Faulty leak detection systems played a role in recent accidents including a 350,000 gallon diesel oil spill in December into a wetlands outside New Orleans. (Source: The AP 03/31/22) New safety measure added to oil and gas pipelines in U.S., but it won't apply to all pipelines | Environment |

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