Sunday, January 10, 2021

Upgrading Camp Shelby museum

HATTIESBURG, Miss. - The Mississippi Armed Forces Museum at Camp Shelby, Miss., is in the process of improving exhibits from WWI, Korean War, Vietnam War and the Global War on Terrorism; and a new website. “(W)e’re trying to ... upgrade our exhibits, add some (audio/visual) components, maybe some interactive components as well and try to do just a little bit of sprucing up and bring some new information and new technology and things to the public,” Tommy Lofton, museum director, told WDAM-TV. The museum is tentatively planning on hosting a virtual and in-person Memorial Day service this year. For Veterans’ Day in November, the museum plans to host a reunion of WWII soldiers from the 65th Infantry Division, which was activated at Camp Shelby in 1943. (Source: WDAM 01/09/21) Many Camp Shelby museum exhibits to get makeover in 2021 (

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