Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Miss. grocery tax highest in US

Mississippi's grocery tax is the highest in the nation - taxed at 7 percent. There's been talk of reducing the tax or suspending it for a time, but the legislature doesn't meet again until January. Mississippi is one of 13 states with a grocery tax. Alabama (4%), Tennessee and Arkansas are too, but they tax groceries at a lower rate. In Arkansas, groceries are subject to a reduced 0.125% state sales tax, as well as any local taxes. Candy and soft drinks are taxed at the full 6.5% sales tax rate. In Tennessee, groceries are subject to a reduced 4% state sales tax, plus local taxes. Prepared food, candy, and alcohol are taxed at the full 7% state sales tax rate, plus local tax. (Source : WLBT 08/02/22) Mississippi’s grocery tax is highest in nation but proposals to reduce it have failed (

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