Tuesday, March 16, 2021

NASM, biz oppose transfer station

MERIDIAN, Miss. - The Lauderdale County Board of Supervisors hosted a public hearing March 15 to allow residents to speak on JWC Environmental's proposal to build a million-dollar waste transfer station in G.V. Sonny Montgomery Industrial Park. The Twin States Recycling Center would be a waste transfer station and recycling center. JWC said this would cut down on illegal dumping, and allow locals 5o drop off waste and recyclables at the site six days a week. Local residents, business leaders, from Lockheed Martin, Peavey Electronics, and Southern Pipe Supply Company, and the base commander of NAS Meridian, expressed opposition. “Over the airfield is where we have to dodge a lot of vultures (Damaging bird-strikes to intakes and windshields and pilot safety) because our concern is the proposed transfer station would actually cause the vulture population to move to the north over the landing pattern,” said NASM Commanding Officer Capt. Timothy B. Moore. The proposed location is less than two miles from NASM’s flight path, but JWC said this enclosed facility would be cleaned daily and would have an odor filtration system. NASM partnered with Mississippi State University wildlife oncology professor, Dr. Scott Rush, to oppose the project. Vultures work off of sight and sense of smell. “So, even in an enclosed structure, you can still have smell that comes out of that facility and acts as a draw to bring the vultures in,” Dr. Rush said. JWC told the board many U.S. military bases, including at least one (unidentified) in Mississippi, have transfer stations that are actually closer to their bases than this proposed location is to NASM. However, NASM and all businesses in opposition said they’re willing to work with JWC to find a new location, but JWC’s done the research and says the industrial park it’s a perfect fit, according to a report from WTOK. Public comments can still be made until 5 p.m. on March 26 on the 11th floor of the Annex building in downtown Meridian. The board now has 90 days to make a decision. (Source: WTOK 03/15/21) NAS Meridian, businesses leaders oppose transfer station location (wtok.com)

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