Sunday, March 7, 2021

MS senators decry stimulus bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Mississippi’s Republican U.S. senators, Cindy Hyde-Smith and Roger Wicker, decried the Senate’s decision to exclude amendments from a $1.9T stimulus package that would have prevented taxpayer money from being used for abortions. Wicker said the bill was “full of unnecessary spending that will overheat the economy at a time when infections are dropping nationwide.” He also claimed that less than 10 percent of the bill’s provisions would go to immediate COVID-19 needs. The bill passed in the Senate on a 50-49 vote. It will provide $1,400 stimulus checks to many Americans. Republicans tried adding more pro-life amendments to the measure, including the Hyde Amendment, which would prohibit taxpayer dollars from being used to fund most abortions. “The Democrats’ vote to dismiss the Hyde Amendment to allow taxpayer-funded abortions is more evidence of how off the rails this so-called COVID relief bill is,” Hyde-Smith tweeted. (Source: WLBT 03/07/21) Wicker, Hyde-Smith decry Senate’s decision to exclude pro-life amendments from relief bill (

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