Tuesday, August 8, 2023

USM polymer team earns NSF grant

Labeled “ASPIRE,” a new project spearheaded by University of Southern Mississippi (USM) polymer Professor Dr. Zhe Qiang represents the ideal title for a team of scientists dedicated to changing the world. 

Qiang and his team secured a $4M National Science Foundation (NSF) grant as part of its Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) program. 

On Aug.7, NSF announced an investment of $56M in 11 projects initiated by universities across the United States.

USM’s project is officially titled, “Advancing Social and Environmental Equity through Plastics Research: Education, Innovation, and Inclusion (ASPIRE).” 

The team will study the impact of microplastics on marine and community health and potential links to diseases; and designing new materials for addressing plastic waste recycling challenges.

Its aim is to develop a regional hub of plastic-climate-health research with particular focuses on promoting environmental and social equity and workforce diversity. 

“USM is uniquely suited to perform this project due to its strength in polymer and ocean research, as well as its proximity to the coastal community,” said Qiang. 

“Moreover, both the states of Mississippi and Alabama have a high population of underrepresented minority groups, and the outcomes of this project will directly improve their health condition, business opportunities, along with waste recycling infrastructures.” (USM 08/07/23)

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