Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Stop movement orders extended

The Defense Department plans to extend its stop movement orders (PCS moves) likely into the summer and limit the exemption process to further address the spread of the coronavirus, according to SECDEF Mark Esper. Those orders were to expire May 11. Esper initially ordered personnel across the world to limit movement in mid-March. He confirmed April 14 that an extension is coming, but not finalized. A review process will happen every 15 days to allow for a curtailment or a further extension. “The key thing is to protect our people,” Esper said. Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel Matt Donovan will announce the changes in the near future, and to provide personnel enough notice to make adjustments. The eventual decision to reopen travel within the military will be “driven by science.” The stop movement order also means personnel down range can’t return home unless commanders approve specific waivers. (Source: AF Magazine 04/14/20)

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