Saturday, June 1, 2019

AF 'Industry Day' June 18 at Eglin

The Air Force is holding a defensive weapons industry day June 18 at Eglin AFB, Fla., and requesting white papers on conceptual armament capabilities. The government will provide threat, war-fighter, overall program and weapon briefs, according to a Federal Business Opportunities notice. White papers, due July 16, should detail kinetic and non-kinetic concepts, including lasers and high-power microwaves. The AF is also interested in procedures that support open-systems architecture into interfaces across the design, as well as activities needed to rapidly prototype and integrate the weapon concepts in the future. Prospective contractors should further provide a rapid fielding schedule, assuming a production quantity of 1,000 for kinetic weapons and 100 for non-kinetic weapons. (Source: Inside Defense 05/31/19)

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