Monday, December 2, 2019

Nominate your of year

Often, the unsung heroes of military life are the kids - affectionately called military brats. These kids move, say goodbye to their deployable parents for months, and take on additional responsibilities at home. Now, you can recognize them by nominating the impressive for Operation Homefront's 2020 Military Child of the Year Award. The annual awards recognize seven outstanding young people ages 13-to-18 years old. Six will represent each military branch for scholarship, volunteerism, leadership, extracurricular involvement, and other challenges of military family life. The seventh award is the Military Child of the Year for Innovation - presented by Booz Allen Hamilton. This award goes to a military child who has designed a bold and creative solution to address a local, regional or global challenge. The seven award recipients will be flown to Washington, D.C., to be recognized at the April 2020 annual gala. Senior leaders of each branch will present the awards, which include $10,000 each and various donated gifts. The recipient of the ‘Innovation’ award will have the opportunity to work with a team of Booz Allen employees to develop a plan to scale their project. (Source: 11/30/19)

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