Thursday, December 26, 2019

CNATT visits Keesler unit

BILOXI, Miss. - Capt. Nate Schneider, commanding officer of the Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training, continued his tour Dec. 9 of visiting the 27 CNATT locations, this time with the staff and students at the unit at Keesler AFB. Schneider met with CNATTU Keesler leadership, local Air Force leadership, toured facilities, and spoke with staff and students regarding the newest changes to training. (That’s) an “obvious group of proud professionals,” Schneider said. “They have a great relationship with the Air Force.” Schneider visited multiple classrooms to better assess CNATTU Keesler’s capabilities as it correlates with the Navy’s transition to ready relevant learning, which modernizes training to maximize impact and relevance. With emphasis in curriculum management, Keesler CNATTU Commanding Officer Matthew Pawlenko’s enduring priorities were well aligned with CNATT’s strategic principles. At an all-hands meeting, Schneider further highlighted the principles, answered questions from staff and students, and stressed the importance of CNATT’s mission and future goals. (Source: CNATT Keesler 12/26/19)

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