Wednesday, November 6, 2019

SECNAV visits trainers in Pensacola

NAS PENSACOLA, Fla. - The Pensacola-area MyNavy HR force development team hosted Secretary of the Navy Richard V. Spenser on Nov. 5. SECNAV met with Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) senior leadership and the information warfare (IW) training staff and students. “I was impressed to see how NETC and the Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT, at Corry Station) not only equip our Sailors with the specific skills they need to do their jobs, but how they are pursuing modernized training,” said Spencer. “The momentum behind incorporating innovative technology that more effectively aligns with the fleet’s requirements and how today’s Sailor learns best is refreshing.” Spencer met with NETC commander Rear Adm. Kyle Cozad, who provided SECNAV updates on the MyNavy HR pillar of force development, the command’s philosophy and implementation of culture of excellence, and NETC’s work with delivering Sailor 2025 through Ready, Relevant Learning (RRL). Under force development, NETC is now charged with the entire “street-to-fleet” process that spans recruiting and training Sailors in an increasingly competitive talent market. (Source: NETC 11/05/19)

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