Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Draft EA to replace TH-57, system

The Navy has completed and released to the public a Draft Environmental Assessment (DEA) for the replacement of the TH-57 training helicopter system with the Advanced Helicopter Training System (AHTS) at Naval Air Station Whiting Field, Fla. The Navy proposes to modernize its rotary-wing and tilt-rotor pilot training program at Commander Training Air Wing (CTW) 5 at NASWF, and its helicopter training Navy Outlying Landing Fields. AHTS would involve the replacement of the TH-57s, replacement of existing simulators, an increase in operational training tempo, changes in operational tactics based on a new curriculum, construction of supporting facilities, and an increase in personnel. The purpose of the proposed action is to address the capability and capacity gaps of the aging TH-57 helicopter training system within CTW-5. AHTS would provide a more capable, reliable helicopter and training system. The proposed AHTS would meet the advanced helicopter and intermediate tilt-rotor training requirements through 2050. Interested parties may view a copy of the DEA at the website www.nepa.navy.mil/ahts or at local libraries in NW Florida. (Source: North Escambia 06/28/19)

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