Wednesday, May 31, 2017

GT students in national fly-off

MAYHEW, Miss. – Six Golden Triangle Early College High School students were among 101 competitors in the world’s largest student rocket contest in mid-May near Washington, D.C. The team finished 44th. They were the only students from Mississippi to qualify for the 15th annual Team America Rocketry Challenge’s (TARC) Final Fly-off. Team members included Joe Cane of Starkville; Douglas Cockrell, Alexis Turner, and Georgia Wood all of Columbus; and Jakob Chrest and Dakota Oswalt of Caledonia. The competition required teams to use a model rocket to launch a raw egg exactly 775 feet into the air, and land the egg undamaged on the ground within 43 seconds of takeoff. Prior to the TARC fly-off, the GTECHS team competed against about 5,000 students nationwide. (Source: Meridian Star 05/30/17)

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