Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Miss. Superfund public meetings

ATLANTA - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing public meetings on Superfund Sites in Columbus and Grenada, Miss. For Columbus, a cleanup plan to address contaminated soil at the Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation Superfund Site. The cleanup described in the plan is underway through a voluntary agreement with oversight from EPA and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). The cleanup will prepare about 20 acres of the site for reuse as early as next year. EPA will hold a public meeting to present the proposed plan and answer questions about the ongoing cleanup on Dec. 13, from 6-8 p.m., at the Genesis Dream Center in Columbus. EPA is also soliciting public comments on the plan for 30-days beginning on Dec. 7 and ending Jan. 6, 2019. (Source: EPA 12/04/18) Separately, between Jan. 7-17, the EPA will conduct soil and groundwater sampling at residential yards in the southern portion of the Eastern Heights neighborhood associated with the cleanup of the Rockwell Grenada (Miss.) Superfund Site. Prior to sampling, EPA will host two community information sessions on Dec. 13 for residents to learn more about the action. The same information will be presented at both sessions, 9-11 a.m. and 6-8 p.m. at the Grenada City Auditorium. In January, drill rigs will be used to sample soil and groundwater from the ground surface down to the bottom of the first groundwater zone. Using electrical and water-based signals at each location, the drill rigs collect data continuously underground to determine how much contamination is present and where. This information will assist the EPA in determining future cleanup actions. (Source: EPA 12/04/18)

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