Friday, September 8, 2017

NAVFAC call center to NASP

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Southeast Regional Call Center (RCC) personnel are heading to Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola Sept. 8, to relocate operations before Hurricane Irma reaches the Jacksonville, Fla., area. The RCC is a 24/7 operation supporting more than 16 naval installations across the Southeast that centralize the unplanned facilities’ maintenance work reception process. NASP is considered a prime location to relocate the RCC because there are existing facilities available that provide easy relocation and set up. With Hurricane Irma, the projected path does not show it likely to impact NASP. A part of the RCC team are heading to NASP while the remaining members will stay in Jacksonville to maintain call center coverage and support during the transition of telephone lines to and from Pensacola. (Source: Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast 09/08/17) Gulf Coast Note: NAVFAC Southeast also provides support to NAS Meridian and Naval Construction Battalion Center Gulfport in Mississippi.

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